We will post some of our favorite, more recent pictures here first!
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2/1 - 2/11/2017 Costa Rica:  We had a fantastic trip to Costa Rica - the people were lovely and the scenery
was gorgeous.  We traveled to Monteverde (1 day down to Pacific Coast, also Santa Elena and Paradise
Reserve - Thanks, Jorge!), then to Dave and Dave's at La Virgen - Thanks, Dave and Dave! (and La Selva),
and on to Poas Volcano and La Paz.  The hummingbirds and trogons and toucans were awesome!  

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2/11/2017 Day 11 - Our LAST DAY in Costa Rica.  We birded our cabin area and the valley, both near La Paz:
Found a wonderful male Slaty Flowerpiercer who didn't mind posing, along with a Magenta-throated
Woodstar (f), and our resident Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher .  (She sure had her nest concealed and one
had to wait for the wind to toss a leaf aside in order to see it.)  Also, Golden-winged Warbler , Wilson's
Warbler, and a Yellow-faced Grasquit (f, or imm. m)
2/11/2017 Day 11 - Our LAST DAY in Costa Rica.  We birded our cabin area and the valley, both near La Paz:
Bay-headed Tanager , Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant , Chestnut-sided Warbler on flowers , Blackburnian
Warbler , Double-toothed Kite , Red-faced Spinetail , Paltry Tyrannulet , and a distant Olive-striped
Flycatcher .  Then, a bit of scenery from the areas we visited including Poas Volcano.