We will post some of our favorite, more recent pictures here first!
4/9-15/11 Key West and Dry Tortugas, FL:  WOW!  (Brown Noddy study and warblers Click NEXT PAGE
below.) Shown here: Yellow-billed Cuckoo , Spotted Dolphin , Ruddy Turnstone , Roseate Tern / Sandwich
Tern (on bouy), Short-eared Owl , Sooty Tern , more Roseate Tern flight pics , Clouds of birds above the
islands, Brown Pelican at sunrise, a Northern Parula study, Merlin with a catch, Cape May Warbler , Green
Heron , Brown Noddy dipping in flight, and we were thrilled to see a Common Nighthawk (the experts
decided Common rather than Antillean.)
4/9-15/11 Key West and Dry Tortugas, FL:  Magnificent Frigatebird study (m, f, juv.):
4/9-15/11 Key West and Dry Tortugas, FL:  Hooded Warbler , Prairie Warbler , Chuck-will's-widow , Brown
Pelican , Black-whiskered Vireo , Barn Swallow and Gray Kingbird , Brown Noddy (lots, interacting),
Ruby-throated Hummingbird , Whimbrel , and an American Redstart taking a bath!