We will post some of our favorite, more recent pictures here first!
Weekend of 8/6, 8/7 and 8/8/10 DE (Click on NEXT PAGE below to see more from these dates.) : Shorebird
migration is evident in the flocks of Semipalmated Sandpipers gathering along the Delaware shores -
awesome sight! Also shown, a study of a young Eastern Kingbird and Common Yellowthroat , wondering
why they aren't being fed. A lone imm. Great Blue Heron was fishing in the mists on the morning of 8/8.
Bombay Hook, DE on 8/14/10 was popping. An impressive Hudsonian Godwit in molt) was feeding in great
light . An American Avocet took flight; then it started feeding and came up looking like a completely
different bird. Two Greater Yellowlegs were finding breakfast. A Lesser Yellowlegs with reflection is
shown as well. Also shown : Black-necked Stilt (ad+juv pics, some with Am. Avocets), Snowy Egret , lots of
Glossy Ibis , Forster's Tern , Great Egret , and a Clapper Rail who tried to hide from the increased
population along the shore.
Weekend of 8/6, 8/7 and 8/8/10 DE (Click on NEXT PAGE below to see more from these dates.) : Shorebird
migration is evident in the flocks of Semipalmated Sandpipers gathering along the Delaware shores -
awesome sight! Also shown, a study of a young Eastern Kingbird and Common Yellowthroat , wondering
why they aren't being fed. A lone imm. Great Blue Heron was fishing in the mists on the morning of 8/8.
Weekend of 8/6, 8/7 and 8/8/10 DE (Click on NEXT PAGE below to see more from these dates.) : Shorebird
migration is evident in the flocks of Semipalmated Sandpipers gathering along the Delaware shores -
awesome sight! Also shown, a study of a young Eastern Kingbird and Common Yellowthroat , wondering
why they aren't being fed. A lone imm. Great Blue Heron was fishing in the mists on the morning of 8/8.
Weekend of 8/6, 8/7 and 8/8/10 DE (Click on NEXT PAGE below to see more from these dates.) : Shorebird
migration is evident in the flocks of Semipalmated Sandpipers gathering along the Delaware shores -
awesome sight! Also shown, a study of a young Eastern Kingbird and Common Yellowthroat , wondering
why they aren't being fed. A lone imm. Great Blue Heron was fishing in the mists on the morning of 8/8.
Weekend of 8/6, 8/7 and 8/8/10 DE (Click on NEXT PAGE below to see more from these dates.) : Shorebird
migration is evident in the flocks of Semipalmated Sandpipers gathering along the Delaware shores -
awesome sight! Also shown, a study of a young Eastern Kingbird and Common Yellowthroat , wondering
why they aren't being fed. A lone imm. Great Blue Heron was fishing in the mists on the morning of 8/8.
A few more pics from July1-8, 2010 Arizona trip: Ash-throated Flycatcher (ad+juv) from Madera Canyon and
a back shot of a Cassin's Kingbird. And early August, Ft. Mott, NJ : imm. Gray Catbird and Orchard Oriole.