We will post some of our favorite, more recent pictures here first!
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5/25/2014 Huguenot Memorial Park, FL:  The amazing park tries so hard to protect the birds!!!  Please stay
back and do not disturb the birds as they try to raise their chicks.  These images were taken with the
utmost care so as not to upset any nesting parents.  If we waited patiently, they often came closer to us!  
Shown: First, a Black Skimmer interaction, then an American Oystercatcher study , an Iceland Gull ,
Laughing Gull Colony , and a Royal Tern group.
5/25/2014 St Augustine, FL:  Wood Stork chicks were chumming it up while some parents were trying to
expand their nests.  Also, Tricolored Heron young, a Snowy Egret family, a Great Egret feeding its young,
and a juvenile Red-bellied Woodpecker and Downy Woodpecker .
5/31/2014 St Augustine, Huguenot Memorial Park and Big Talbot, FL:  Tricolored Heron , Little Blue Heron
at nest , Cattle Egret with 3 Chicks, Black Skimmer , our little Oystercatcher family , nesting Laughing Gull ,
Northern Parula with a young one , Wilson's Plover , and Yellow-throated Warbler.